Quantum Cryptography, Spring 2012

Lecturer: Serge Fehr     Teaching Assistant: Niek Bouman

Material & References

If you want to learn more about the subject, have a look at the following paper/books:

Time Table

The course schedule can be found in the roster (see page 8).


The mark for the course is determined by means of an oral exam (duration: approx. 20 mins). To be admitted to the oral exam, you have to hand in your solutions to at least four three exercise sets (there will be five four sets in total), and those solutions should be of sufficient quality.


The exercises should be sent to bouman ((at)) cwi nl. They should either be typeset on a computer, or written by hand (but readable :-), scanned and converted into a compact format (preferably PDF).

Everyone has to hand in his/her own individual solution. Solutions with multiple names and copied solutions will not be accepted. Also, late hand-in's will not be accepted.
