Graveyard shift, The
Detective (
/ Harry Patterson
/ Jack Higgins
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Nick Miller
As always - for Amy
22.00 hrs till dawn....the cold, dark, midnight hours when only the evil and nearly dead are stirring. A time when society's scum are awake and craving a little action. Not the beat most officers would choose. Nick Miller is tough and intelligent: with a weakness for highly unorthodox methods...especially when he's working the graveyard shift."
Ben Garvald has been let out of jail, and he is coming back to collect the money he served time for. He is not prepared to deal with Nick Miller - his methods or his ways. Nick is new on the beat - a policeman who comes from a wealthy family, yet chooses to work the graveyard shift. His family and co-workers cannot understand him, but Nick will stop at nothing to get the job done. Along the path to the truth, but criminals and co-workers will pay the price of being involved. And there is a lot more than meets the eye around Ben's quest for his money. You are unsure who to trust right up until the end.