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I get a lot of E-mail from people mailing me about Jack and his work. I often get the same questions. The most often are listed here. If you ask me one of these questions I will NOT reply, so just ask me anything else.
  • Dear Mr. Higgins.....
    I'm NOT Jack Higgins, I'm a fan who devoted a home-page to his work. I won't feel addressed by it. You could write something in the guest-book. Perhaps he sees it some day.
  • Can you get me in contact with Mr. Higgins? I want him to (review the book I wrote/sign the book I bought/visit him during my holiday)
    I'm NOT in contact with Jack Higgins. I would love to but I'm not.
  • Which books does Sean Dilling appear in?
    This information is here. Just scroll down to find the information.
  • Can you send me a a list of all his books?
    Yes it is available in various formats on The unofficial Jack Higgins home-page. Just look for it. It isn't hidden. Hint: check the frame on the right.
  • Don't you think it is bad that Higgins' characters use violence, smoke and drink do much? They set a bad example.
    If you can't do it, the least you can do is read about it and if you're offended, just don't read it.
  • You make to many spelling error. Are you dumb?
    No, I'm just not native English speaking. I'm Dutch. If you see a spelling error just tell me nicely and I'll thank you for it.
  • Please sell me book X
    I don't sell books, I only exchange. If you have one I don't and you want one of mine, please contact me. See the The book exchange for more information.
If your question is non of the above you can send me E-mail at: unofficialjackhigginshomepage@gmail.com